I Almost had to Draw my Firearm

Concealed carrying a firearm is like having a fire extinguisher in your home: you hope you never have to use it, but you better have it when you need it. This was the case for me recently. 

As some of you may know, I co-own a paint and body shop. Go check out the Badass Body Shop YouTube channel. Yes, shameless self promotion. Anyway... I was there late one night doing something. 

I backed in front of our bay door. To the left of my car was a pickup, and to the right were trees and bushes. In front was some pavement before the parking spots continue on the other side. I can’t carry at my “day jobs,” so I keep my SCCY CPX2 in my pocket. My first choice is my Smith and Wesson M&P9 carried inside the waistband on my hip, but I have to have my shirt tucked in for work, so that’s not doable. 

The SCCY is a good pistol, regardless of what some my say. I have done plenty of video on it torturing it, neglecting it, and so on. 

I did break two of the Rules of Stupid. “The Rules of Stupid state that you should never (1) go to Stupid places, (2) with Stupid people, (3) at Stupid times, and (4) do Stupid things.” Courtesy of the Active Self Protection site. I was at a stupid place at a stupid time. 

I did what I had to do in the shop, so I turned off the lights and exited out the the single door (next to the bay door) locking it behind me. Right in front of me was my car, and I was walking toward it when headlights came into the parking lot off the main road. 

The car was speeding in, and the first thing that went through my head was that something was off. There was no reason for another car to be here this late. He pulled right in front of my car and stopped. At this point, my hand was on the handle of the door to my car. 

I watch a lot of Active Self Protection on YouTube. If you are unfamiliar with the channel, go check it out. It shows security camera footage, dash cam footage, body cam footage, and so on giving you a play by play about what happens in potentially deadly situations. The evidence based tips really helped me with my next moves. 

Everything started flying through my head. I put my left hand up in front of me to show some sort of compliance. My right hand rested near my right pocket (where my SCCY was). I knew I couldn’t draw because with the headlights, I couldn’t see who was in the car, and if they had a firearm out, I would be dead trying to “draw from the drop” (when the other person has a firearm already out). 

I could not enter my car because I was blocked in on all sides, and it would have been a coffin. I couldn’t go back into the shop, because I would have to turn my back and try to unlock the door. My best bet was the run to my left, use the pickup as cover and concealment, and keep going. Not point in drawing my firearm: just run and escape. 

I stepped back and the car inched forward. That was a mistake. I gave a hint at what I wanted to do. I should have just run, but there was so much going through my mind. 

I heard the car door open, and then laughing. It turns out it was someone I knew: a tow truck driver that we use frequently. He was meeting his friend to check out another car in the parking lot, but when I has I was there, he decided to mess with me. Instantly I yelled out that he was almost shot. 

Thankfully nothing happened. I say that for two reasons: one, I didn’t shoot someone I know or get shot by an actual bad guy. Two: it was some of the best training I could have gotten. Without knowing what would happen, I assumed the worst and reacted accordingly. I recognized what I did wrong, what I did right, and what I could have done faster. All the way down to where I park my car so I’m not boxed in. 

What I did Right:
  • Didn’t draw from the drop
  • Didn’t attempt to enter my car
  • Didn’t attempt to re-enter the locked shop (turning my back)
  • Developed a quick escape plan
  • Backed my car in, and didn’t pull in (didn’t help too much in this situation though)
What I could have done Better:
  • Comply fully, or resist fully. With only one had up and inching back, I gave too many hints that I wasn’t ready to comply.
  • Boxed my car in
  • Broke two Rules of Stupid
  • Did not flee fast enough (even though this was only a matter of seconds). Each place you go, you should have at least one escape plan.
All in all, I would say I did a good job overall based off the situation. I mean, I’m here to tell you about it. That could have been my last moment had that been real. 

I would encourage you ALL to be as aware of your surroundings as much as possible, carry all the time and know how to use your firearm, don’t break the Rules of Stupid, and at least watch a few videos such as the ones from Active Self Protection so that you will be more prepared should you ever need to be. I didn’t think I would be put in that situation, and depending on where you live, most people don’t. It can always happen. Be ready. Be prepared. Stay safe. 

For more information like this as well as gun and gear reviews, torture tests, history, and more, please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Thank you for stopping by. 
